GAZZOLA: 2d Cir Denial ER Motion 09.08.2023


5:01 p.m. EST and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals just handed us a “DENIED” to our August 29, 2023 Emergency Motion.

This was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court through an emergency application, but was denied.

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STATUS: Gazzola v. Hochul Petition for Writ of Certiorari was filed 03.07.2024 to the December 8, 2023 decision of the Second Circuit to deny the request for a preliminary injunction against enforcement of the laws complained of in this case. (Rev. 05.09.2024.) This document is part of the record of the case, but should not be relied upon as current or pending.

Antonyuk v James - BRIEFING MEMO
Antonyuk v. James 2d Cir RULING 12082023
GAZZOLA: 2d Cir Ruling 12.08.2023
NYSP Affidavit 10.12.2023
Srour v NYC Order of 10.24.2023